ImpactLink Fundraising

Our expertise lies in connecting businesses with impact finance – whether that be grants, loans, or equity – to enable positive, sustainable change. Our approach is results-driven and performance-based, meaning we are fully committed to delivering success.  Our network of impact investors provides investible companies with access to capital, while we work closely with them to elevate their portfolio’s performance. Additionally, we can support NGOs in qualifying for grants to facilitate private sector development programs. 

Trust us to help you achieve success and make a real impact.

Grants and Results-Based Funding

Did you know that there are numerous opportunities to obtain grants that support private sector investment in developing countries? These grants cover a percentage of a project’s budget and require a significant financial or in-kind contribution from the initiators. To be considered for these programs, you need to showcase innovative and scalable ideas that can create a significant impact on developmental objectives. Although these are competitions and receive an overwhelming number of applications, rest assured that our team can guide you through the process and help you draft a winning proposal. Although grant financing can be rigorous, with strict performance, reporting, and accountability criteria, we can provide you with all the necessary guidance to meet these requirements. Our website showcases only a handful of grant programs, so connect with us today to explore the many other programs available that may apply to your particular situation!

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for support.

Pricing for Grants and RBF is based on...
$ %
Success Fee
  • Success Fee is a percentage of transaction value. This is payable upon successful closure of the transaction
  • Success Fee value will range from 0.5%-10%. Get in touch for a quotation.
  • Minimal Mobilisation and/or Retainer Fee may be required at the start or during our engagement


If your funding requirements do not meet the criteria for a grant, there is another option available for you: Loans.
Our network of Investment funds, development finance institutions (DFIs), and non-government finance organizations are available with several options for debt financing. These lenders accept a higher risk in exchange for creating social and/or environmental impacts, and offer “concessional” terms such as longer maturities, grace periods, and lower collateral requirements. It’s important to note that these loans are priced according to genuine country and project risks. The interest rates on concessional loans are typically in line with market rates, and although local currency loans may have higher interest rates, these lenders are still a reliable alternative to traditional banks.

Our team is ready help you explore these options and identify the best funding for your project.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for support.

Pricing for Debt is based on...
$ %
Success Fee
  • Success Fee is a percentage of transaction value. This is payable upon successful closure of the transaction
  • Success Fee value will range from 0.5%-2%. Get in touch for a quotation.
  • Minimal Mobilisation and/or Retainer Fee may be required at the start or during our engagement


If traditional funding methods aren’t enough to meet your business’s needs, don’t worry. You have options, and equity finance is one of them. For startups, venture capital is often the best way to go, and our network of equity investors is here to help you. We work with social capital funds and development finance institutions that want to support businesses that make a positive difference. We specialize in impact investment, which means we look for businesses that offer not only sustainable and scalable solutions to social and environmental problems, but also a good financial return. We can guide you through the investment process by connecting you to our network and providing assistance in preparing documents like the investment memorandum and pitch deck. Additionally, we can help you negotiate fair partnerships with investors. Expanding a high-growth business can pose several funding challenges, but our team is ready to help you prepare for each stage along the way.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for support.

Pricing for Equity is based on...
$ %
Success Fee
  • Success Fee is a percentage of transaction value. This is payable upon successful closure of the transaction
  • Success Fee value will range from 0.5%-4%. Get in touch for a quotation.
  • Minimal Mobilisation and/or Retainer Fee may be required at the start or during our engagement


We know it’s important to be personal with our customers. You can arrange a call with our experts on the Contact Us page whenever you like. We’ll be happy to help you with anything you need.

If you’ve made it here, you know we can help you. Our experts can talk to you to understand what you need. Schedule a free call with us and we’ll propose a customized solution just for you. If we cant help, we will happy to point you in the right direction.

We offer different ways to pay to make it easy for you. You can use your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express credit card. We also accept ACH transfer if you prefer. Don’t worry, we have options to fit how you like to pay.

If you are unsure which of our plans is best for you, don’t worry. We know it can be difficult to choose, so we are here to help. We offer personalized assistance to help you make an informed decision. Schedule a call with our experts and they will talk to you to understand your specific needs. They will then recommend the best plan for you. You can find more information about our plans in the pricing section.

Yes, indeed! Support is an essential component of your plan, ensuring a seamless experience. Our team of dedicated experts is always at your disposal to assist with any inquiries or concerns you may have. We take great pride in our commitment to delivering timely responses.

We have a team of experienced experts who can help you with technical issues. After we agree to work together, we will immediately deploy them to work on your solution. Schedule a Call with our experts today.